ANZAC Biscuits

These iconic biscuits from Australia and New Zealand were made by army wives to send to their troops during the second world war as they travelled well and the ingredients did not spoil so easily. As such they are named ANZAC Biscuits (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). They are associated Downunder with ANZAC Day and are often used as fundraisers.

Incidentally, the name is protected and as such you cannot call another recipe or another biscuit ANZAC (which means you cannot add things like chocolate chips and still call them ANZACs). You also cannot refer to these as “cookies”.

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup plain flour
1 cup Demerara sugar
3/4 cup shredded or desiccated coconut
140g butter
2 Tb golden syrup
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp boiling water


  • Combine oats, flour, sugar and coconut in a large bowl.
  • Combine butter and golden syrup in a small saucepan. Stir over gentle heat until melted.
  • Mix the bicarb with boiling water, add to the butter mixture. Stir into dry ingredients.
  • Place tablespoonfuls of mixture onto lightly greased oven tray – allow room for spreading.
  • Bake at 180C for 10 minutes.
  • Loosen while warm, then cool on racks.

As always I’d love to hear if you make these and what you think.

Happy baking!

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Hi! My name is Kersti and I just love the excitement of a new shiny project. Sometimes I even manage to finish them! Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia I spent some time in Dublin for my sins before moving to sunny(?) Edinburgh where I’m teaching the kids all about the dangers of using the good scissors.

Kersti Anear-Saemann

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