Sample shown original size and tatted using three strands of DMC embroidery cotton for both the shuttle and ball threads.
- Ring A of 4ds, 3p sep 4ds, 4ds
- * Chain of 6ds p 6ds
- Ring of 4ds, join to last p of previous ring, 4ds, 2p sep 4ds, 4ds
- Repeat from * 3 times
- Chain A of 4ds, 3p sep 4ds, 4ds
- End motif
- Ring of 4ds, 3p sep 4ds, 4ds
- * Chain A
- Ring of 4ds p 4ds, join to centre p of first ring of end motif, 4ds p 4ds
- Repeat from * 3 times
- Chain A
- Ring of 4ds p 4ds, join to centre p of opposing ring, 4ds p 4ds
- * Chain of 6ds p 6ds
- Ring of 4ds, join to last p of preceding ring, 4ds, joint to centre p of opposing ring, 4ds p 4ds
- Repeat from * 3 times
- Chain A
- End Motif
- Chain AJoin to base of Ring A. Tie & cut.
Cut embroidery cotton into lengths that are twice the length of the bookmark, fold over and join through Ring A.
© 1998 Kersti Anear