Floral Tatted Bookmark Pattern

© 1998 Kersti Anear

Sample shown original size and tatted using three strands of DMC embroidery cotton for both the shuttle and ball threads.

Please note – this is NOT a beginner pattern. You should be reasonably confident with your tatting before you attempt this one.

This would have to be one of my favourite patterns to make up.


  • Ring A : 4ds, p, 6ds, 5p sep 4ds, 4ds
  • Chain A
    • Petal A: 3ds, p 12ds, p, 3ds, join to 1st p of ring A,
    • Petal B: 3ds, join to petal A, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to ring A
    • Petal C: 3ds, join to petal B, 6ds, 3p sep 3ds, 3ds, join to ring A
    • Petal D: 3ds, join to petal C, 3ds, p, 12ds, join to ring A
    • Stalk: 3ds, p, 15ds, p, 3ds
  • Turn over work
  • * Ring B : 4ds, join to Petal D, 6ds, join to Petal C, 3ds, 4p sep 3ds, 3ds
  • Chain A
    • Petal A: 3ds, join to previous stalk, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to 1st p of ring B,
    • Petal B: 3ds, join to petal A, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to ring B
    • Petal C: 3ds, join to petal B, 6ds, 3p sep 3ds, 3ds, join to ring B
    • Petal D: 3ds, join to petal C, 3ds, p, 12ds, join to ring B
    • Stalk: 3ds, join to petal D, 15ds, p, 3ds
  • Turn over work
  • Repeat from * 4 times
  • Ring B : 4ds, join to Petal D, 6ds, join to Petal C, 3ds, 4p sep 3ds, 3ds
  • Chain A
    • Petal A: 3ds, join to previous stalk, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to 1st p of ring B,
    • Petal B: 3ds, join to petal A, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to ring B
    • Petal C: 3ds, join to petal B, 12ds, p, 3ds, join to ring B
    • Petal D: 3ds, join to petal C, 12ds, join to ring C of Previous flower, 3ds
    • Join to last p of Ring B. Tie and cut.

Cut embroidery cotton into lengths that are twice the length of the bookmark, fold over and join through Ring A.

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Hi! My name is Kersti and I just love the excitement of a new shiny project. Sometimes I even manage to finish them! Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia I spent some time in Dublin for my sins before moving to sunny(?) Edinburgh where I’m teaching the kids all about the dangers of using the good scissors.

Kersti Anear-Saemann

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